Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Downed Animal Protection - No Downers Campaign

Downed Animal Protection - No Downers Campaign
The USDA closed a loophole and banned downed cattle from being slaughtered and entering the human food supply. While this step is a milestone in efforts to protect those animals too sick and injured to walk, or even stand, protections need to be expanded to all species. Help continue this momentum.Thank you for closing the loophole that allowed downed cattle to be slaughtered and to enter the food supply. This will prevent a lot of cruelty and suffering and demonstrates a commitment to the humane treatment of livestock.
Please take another step forward, and apply this rule to all species of livestock, including pigs, sheep and goats. They too suffer when they are unable to stand and walk on their own and are pushed and prodded to the slaughter line.

Thank you to those that helped closeing the loophole that allowed downed cattle to be slaughtered and to enter the food supply. This will prevent a lot of cruelty and suffering and demonstrates a commitment to the humane treatment of livestock. This will also contribute to better, safer food for everyone.take another step forward, and apply this rule to all species of livestock, including pigs, sheep and goats. They too suffer when they are unable to stand and walk on their own and are pushed and prodded to the slaughter line. There is NO EXCUSE for so many downed animals. It is a sign of gross mis-management of all resources. We still have work to do please keep fighting the good fight and giving a voice to the voiceless.


  1. have u ever thought working for the un? if u do, i would like to refer your name, cause i dont think that u r really aware of your potential and the work u can do. can u do me a favor? pls go through this
    p.s. u have got a wonderful smile, so keep smiling even when u do not feel like one. it makes others happy

  2. I'd love more then anything to work for the UN. I have their daily e-letter and always look at the jobs but it seems like they don't have anything that I could do at the moment. I will check out the site and thank you. Do you work for them?
